Monday, March 2, 2009

My other new favorite thing

Since Coop joined the Biolsi clan I've found that I no longer have a desire to by anything for myself -- except for Starbucks, I still LOVE me some Star-Bs...ummmm, ummmm). Anyway, if you know me, you know I love handbags and I've been known to spend a good amount of money on just one in addition to shoes, clothing, stuff for the house, etc. Most, if not all, is stuff I don't actually need. Anyway, since Coop-a-loop has come along I've had no real desire to go shopping for myself. I much prefer to wander the aisles of Babies R' Us, Baby Gap or the baby section of Target. I just want him to have everything he could ever need and/or want. So, my other new favorite thing [in addition to the baby food maker] is the Bumbo seat. How cute does my fat baby look in this thing? Patrick says it looks like he's in his own little baby recliner. I love that I can pop him in there and sit him on the counter and he's totally entertained watching me do the dishes! He totally loves this thing. I also just got the clip on tray that I fill up with toys that are just within reach for him. He's totally entertain and self-contained in this foam seat.


  1. I have already stopped buying things for myself (except the necessities like Starbucks of course). I can't imagine what it's going to be like once she's here. Love the picture of Coop in the Bumpo seat...he looks better in the green one than my pink one.

  2. Shelly has one of these for Jaimeson and loves it! They are great...Coop looks adorable. Can't wait to see you on Monday!
