Monday, March 30, 2009

Hi Easter Bunny

Saturday Coop and I headed to the mall (naturally) to meet up with his buddy Landon and his mom Tonia and get pictures with the Easter Bunny. When Coop first sat on the Easter Bunny's lap, he started to cry. Luckily he's easily entertained and when the photographer started to wave a stuffed animal around, he snapped out of it. However, he chose not to smile, only to make funny faces with his tounge out in every shot. I just rolled with it and picked the pic that made me laugh the most...


  1. I saw the Easter Bunny display when I was at the mall yesterday. I think I will take Mila there tomorrow. I almost forgot that I have to do those things now...glad I read your post and remembered one of my mommy duties!

  2. Oh, he is going to hate you years from now! So cute!!!
