Saturday, March 28, 2009

Mommy is a slacker

Okay, apparently mom-ing and work-ing doesn't leave a lot of time for blog-ing. Going back to work has been fun; I enjoy being busy, love being back with my peeps and there's a lot of fun stuff going on. However, it's made me a slacker in every other aspect of my life...haven't worked out in 3 weeks, been eating poorly since going back to work and no blog posts or Shutterfly updates. I'm so tired when I get home from work, but I know if I fit in just a little exercise and eat even a little better, I'll have more energy for everything. Today's a new day and I'm turning over a new leaf!

Uncle Bill (a.k.a. Finchy, Pinchy, the Chimp) came to visit Coop, Pat and I last weekend. We were an extended stop on his way to Denver for a teacher conference (btw, when he got to Denver, there was a huge snow storm. Poor Pinchy). He was very impressed at how relaxed and "chill" the Coop is. Yes, I have the best baby ever. Pinchy can do a great Donald Duck impression and Cooper loved it. Uncle Bill had Coop laughing up a storm. The sound of Coop laughing is the craziest sound ever. If you're not looking at him, you're not sure if he's mad or if he's laughing, but he's usually laughing and it's so awesome. It melts my heart. Below is a really bad video of Uncle Bill and Coop. We (read: Patrick) have yet to figure out how to use the regular video camera, so this was shot with the still camera, which has some low quality video ability.

I promise to get back on it with updates, photos and videos. Today Coop and I are going to visit the Easter Bunny, so there will be some new photos to share soon!


  1. yay! you blogged! i LOVE the video. he is so cute. i especially like how he stops to look around in the middle -- so alert :) post those easter bunny pics asap!

  2. Oh that made me cute! I need to come and visit that little guy.
