Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My new favorite thing and ramblings about the mall

Okay, I know that Coop can't eat food for another three months, but I wanted to be prepared. Before Christmas I saw this baby food maker thing in a catalog and fell in love with it! I researched it, watched the "how to" video online and decided I had to have it. Coop deserves the best, which includes homemade baby food. So, last weekend we were at the mall (for six hours! see below for more on this outing) and there it was! The Beaba Babycook Babyfood maker thing!

So, both Tonia and I scooped one up (along with the cookbook). I can't wait to try this thing out. Seriously, who would have ever thought that this is the kind of thing that would have made my week!

So, yes, we were at the mall for six hours while the dads played golf. Tonia and I strolled the mall looking at baby clothes and home goods pushing empty strollers while our babies were strapped to us via the Baby Bjorn. I'm sure people were looking at us, but whatever. Anyway, after making our purchases of the Babycook both kids got a little fussy so we stood by a bench in the middle off the mall rocking the little guys. This is when some one asked if they were twins. Do these two kids look like twins? Umm, no. Granted the woman only saw the back of their heads, but even their heads don't look like they are related. Crazy lady. The lady at Williams-Sonoma also seemed perplexed by the fact that we had kids about the same age. Why is this so strange to people? Yes, they are close in age. Yes, we were pregnant at the same time. Yes, they do have some of the same outfits but have yet to wear them at the same time. :)

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