Saturday, August 15, 2009

Cooper & Olivia

So far, Cooper only has one cousin, Olivia June daughter of John & Kate Biolsi in NYC. Olivia's 4th birthday was the reason for our trip back to NY earlier this month. Although Olivia's only met Cooper once before this most recent trip, she loves him. She refers to him as her brother and when we arrived she didn't care about us, it was all about Cooper.

She loves to touch his head. I don't know why, but she was always touching his head. And, she loves to take care of him. While we were in NY, she got his bed ready with a blanket and stuffed animal and she was always fixing snacks and drinks for him. One nite, he was asleep in the pack & play and she was in her room while the adults where out on the deck chatting and apparently Cooper woke up. Olivia came to get to tell us Cooper was crying and when I went to get him I found that she had already tried to comfort him by giving him a few stuffed animals and another blanket. Too cute!

Here are some of my favorite Cooper and Olivia pics. She's coming to California in November for Cooper's birthday and I can't wait to see her!

1 comment:

  1. ha. john & kate + olivia. i love that! and that story about her trying to make coop stop crying is ADORABLE. aww.
