Sunday, May 3, 2009

Top 10

As I listened to the hubs talk to Cooper earlier today, I realize that we say a lot of things since Coop arrived that we never really said before. He's my top 10 list of things heard around the Biolsi house since Coop joined the family...

10. "Rudy, NO!" Okay, that one we did say a lot before. Now it's more like, "Rudy, not his eyes; you can only lick his hands."

9. "I think I smell poop."

8. "Give me those feets!"

7. Multiple renditions of "The ABCs" each and every day.

6. "I'm gonna get you!" Followed by lots of tickling of the little man (which he loves, BTW)

5. "Jump it out little man, jump it out!"

4. "I'm sorry you're hungry; it's Daddy's fault. I know, he doesn't make bottles fast enough."

3. "Ouch. Stop pulling mommy's hair."

2. "When did you _____ last?" Fill in the blank with feed him, change him, put him down for a nap.

1. "Binky Down! Binky Down!" We say this a whole lot as Coop has figured out how to pull the binky out and toss it across the room. The kid's got an arm!

1 comment:

  1. This is hilarious...totally can picture you and Pat saying all of those things. I think I was even able to figure out who said which one!
