Saturday, April 18, 2009

1, 2, 3...UP!

Coop's newest milestone is that he can hold his own weight (and that's a lot of weight) when you pull him into a standing position just holding his hands. He's such a strong little stinker! And, he'll stand for a long time! When he's done standing, he just bends his knees and down he goes! But he loves it.

He can also pretty much sit up on his own. He "tripods," holding himself up with his hands on the ground, but he can sit without support from mommy or daddy for the most part...sometimes he falls over, but he thinks this is funny. My kiddo is growing up!


  1. a. you are a blogging MACHINE!! what is this, the 3rd post in a week??

    b. yay for cooper's strong little legs :)

  2. oh EXCUSE ME. FIVE posts in one week -- i just checked. you are awesome :)
