Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tiny Feet

Lyndsey, a gal that work's on my team, recently posted on her blog (one-eyed wonder link on the right there) that she hates feet. I agree with her 100%, feet are usually gross...except for these tiny feet. Why are baby feet so dang cute and at what age exactly do feet go from being cute to yucky?


  1. woo hoo! a shout out on the blog! i must agree, those are the cutest feet i've ever seen. even I would not be opposed to touching those. get back to me when they start to get hair on them...THAT is always a sign of grossness. :)

  2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE baby feet! Zack, my skinny boy, still doesn't have stinky or gross feet (well, pretty dirty from the playground, but not nasty). Owen, oh poor chubby Owen, started getting stinky feet before he needed shoes! I'm sure it was because of his fat toes! So, sorry to tell you, but chubby Coop may start gettin' boy feet sooner than you'd like :) Of course, that won't stop you from still thinking they're the cutest feet on the planet!
