I am truly the worst mommy blogger EVER. If I fancied myself a real mommy blogger (which I don't..I'm not clever enough nor do I post enough) and there was a governing board of mommy bloggers, I definitely be kicked out by now. At least it hasn't been a full month since my last post. So, what has happened with Chupie lately...
1. He has another new nick name -- Beep Beep. I actually really like this one and use it often. Except, now that he really responds to his name, I feel like I might be confusing him. He'll figure it out. He also has figured out what I mean when I say no...and listens!
2. He LOVES teething biscuits and bananas. He's not super fond of green veggies -- although he did just woof down a whole jar of peas and brown rice, so maybe he's turned a corner.
3. We are taking swim lessons and he seems to like it. And I love having an activity that just he and I do.
4. He is a crawling, standing machine! He's exploring all over and pulls himself into a standing position whenever he can get his hands on the couch, baby gate, window ledge, etc.
5. He loves to climb the stairs. It's super cute -- and he's really good at it -- but it is killing Mommy's back.
6. We recently saw our buddy Landon. It's been awhile since we last saw him, so he look a lot bigger and he can hold his own bottle. I love it!
7. Cooper took his second trip to the Arrowhead Resort and while we were there we finally got to meet Graham! He's about a year and a half and just too cute. And, I love that name!
9. He things smashing his face against the mesh of the playpen is hilarious and laughs at himself, which makes me laugh and then he laughs at me.
Okay. You are up to speed on a day in the life of Beep Beep. I promise (to try) and post more often. I uploaded a ton of pics to shutterfly, so check it out... http://cooperjohnbiolsi.shutterfly.com/